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For one week attendance at the neuter clinic you will receive a 45 hour CPD certificate, for two weeks 90 hour certificate. You will be performing neuter after neuter, which will drastically improve your confidence due to the intensity. There are no ticking clocks, it takes as long as it takes, the environment is very relaxed and supportive

Vet surgical training


There are many differing ways in castrating cats, this will be a surgery you have no concerns over, but we can show you differing techniques, from one incision which results in quicker healing, to using forceps. We can also advise on the method for the old tom cat with tough tunics and short spermatic cords

Cat spay vet surgery


We will show the landmarks to identify the exact position of the uterus and where to make the incision, this is far more precise than the triangle technique. You can also see the benefits of the diagonal incision, learn how allis tissue forceps simplifies the surgery. We will also show how to identify a uterus which may cheese-wire when ligating and how to avoid complications

Veterinary dog castrate


We gives tips on how to stabilise the testicle for a pre-scrotal incision, also how to ensure you never damage the urethra. We can show the easiest way of breaking off the tunic and how you can benefit using allis tissue forceps, also how to minimise the risking of scrotal  haematomas or swelling

Surgical vet CPD


We can quickly build your confidence in performing a bitch spay through a 1 to 1.5 inch incision, from safe abdominal entry to easy ways of finding the uterus, differing techniques of breaking the suspensory ligament, including the easiest technique.

Vet surgical extractions


With the large number of neglected cats and dogs that we rescue, they often require dentals. Perform surgical canine and molar extractions, performing the flap technique, master lower canine extractions

Vetcpd®️ Veterinary Surgical CPD

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